Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hierepolis Castabala

It's been awhile since we went on a local trip to someplace new. Last weekend we decided to drive to Karatepe and Hierepolis. Just a little over an hour and-a-half drive east of Incirlik, we came upon Karatepe. We must've missed our stop because we never found the Karatepe Open Air Museum. Then we decided to head back to Hierepolis Castabala. It was a very neat place.

We parked the van and then headed up the row of old Greek or Roman style columns. Most of which had fallen over. The old castle was up on the hill. It looked too steep to climb, so we passed on that one; come to find out there is easy access from the back of the castle. Oh well. We came upon the amphitheater. It was very cool. Kim and the kids sat down on a couple of stone seats with backs. We brought our lunch with us and ate at the amphitheater. Of course, the kids had to run around and explore the dark tunnels. All in all, it was a worthwhile visit. Perhaps next time we'll find the Karatepe Open Air Museum.

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