Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ankara - Part 1

The purpose of this trip was to visit Ankara Area Control Center (ACC) to liaise with our air traffic control partners. I went with my RAPCON Chief Controller, translator, and Turkish Air Force controller. This was a three day trip...two days for driving and one for visiting. The trip by car is 6-7 hours depending on speed and how long you stop to eat.

Ankara is the capital city of Turkey and has a population of approx. 3.9 million people. It is Turkey's second largest city after Istanbul. More info. on Ankara can be found at the Wikipedia site

On the drive, we stopped at a fabulous outdoor restaurant which was tucked away near the mountainside and a small river. Meet my companions on this trip.

Of course, I have to point out the name of the hotel we stayed at...

Ankara Airport from the road

Ankara control tower from the road

Ankara ACC

After our official duties, we had an opportunity to take in some sites. We visited Ataturk's Mausoleum. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is known as the father of Turkey; he is a war hero and former president from 1923 - 1938. The Turkish view him much like we view George Washington. Ataturk is responsible for "modernizing" present day Turkey. A few of the things he did were make all men and women equal, changed the language from Arabic to a new form of Latin, and passed the Surname Act which required all Turks to have a last name. Ataturk was given the first last name which means "Father of the Turks." No other Turks can have this name. There are many more interesting facts about him which you can view at the following links:,,

Me in front of Ataturk's casket. Yes, I know I don't look very thrilled, but I was truly excited to be there.

Mausoleum ceiling.

In front of the "Street of Lions"

View of the city from the Mausoleum on the hill.

to be continued...

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