Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It's summer and there's not a lot to do in this HEAT WAVE, but SWIM. We purchased a season pass at the base pool and boy are we taking advanage of it. The kids have all made steady progress.
Savannah is perfecting her swimming skills by going down the slide and jumping off the diving boards. She's trying to learn how to dive. Many of the attempts end up in a belly flop. Ouch!

Ricky occasionally takes off his life vest and gives it a shot. He's been swimming short lengths without the vest. Good job.
He also likes to lay on the pool deck in between swimming...reminds me of my childhood days.

Look at Kylie swim. Yep, she just decided a couple weeks ago that she didn't want to use the life vest anymore. She took off the vest and did it. She's now able to swim by herself. I was impressed.

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